Monday, June 2, 2014

I'm pretty sure blogging is so 5-10 years ago. I do remember a time when blogs were cool and everyone had one and now it seems you only have one when you're running a business or when you're pretty cool and traveling every day and have something quite profound to say.

Hate to break it to you, folks. I'm none of those people.

I'm pretty lame in comparison, actually. I wake up, go to work, come home, sleep. I eat somewhere in between all that when I have a chance and on the weekends I can usually be found cleaning my house or being super lazy and looking at all the laundry that needs folding from the couch. And I also photograph others. It's my happy place.

So why would I even bother blogging? Because in my super boring life there are amazing things that make me happy and thankful and I want to keep it all in a place (that I can also access from my phone). And because you can't tell me what to do. Nyah.

I digress. I suppose if I'm going to talk about the things that make me happy I should start with what makes me the happiest. That's my cute little family that consists of my husband and our three weirdo cats. Yes, I said three. For the record I would like to just state that I became a cat lady after marriage so I don't think it counts (yes it does).

Here's the hubster. He's the hunkiest and he has a heart of gold and he loves me and I love him and we love each other yay! He's a huge nerd like me and he lets me drag him to places and get him into new shows/movies/games and he a police officer so he makes me feel safer, naturally! He hates having his picture taken but he always (begrudgingly) lets me take them, anyway.

And here are the weirdos. They're our kids for now...and unfortunately they're spoiled rotten. Callie (on the left) is lazy and grumpy. She pretty much hates anyone with more than two legs. But when she's happy she'll drool all over you. Ick. Napoleon (centered) was named after Bonaparte, not Dynamite. He has a cute little French mouth and is pretty much a tyrant. I thought the named fit. Wash (Right) was named after a character (with the same hair color) from the TV Show Firefly. He's about 7 weeks old and has quickly become friends with the tyrant. And  yes, they're all weird. At first I thought it was a coincidence that we ended up with two weird cats, but after the third you just have to start looking at yourself, right?

Anyway...there you go. A happy little Morris family!

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